Our Purpose is

Supporting your purpose

Danny Curtin

Danny has worked in the voluntary sector since he was knee high. Growing up on the grounds of a Leonard Cheshire Home for people with physical disabilities he was surrounded by an environment of equality, empowerment and dedication to genuine human dignity. Since these formative years he was worked in the faith-based sector, in learning disabilities and in youth work. As CEO of a national youth charity for five years, Danny developed his role as a fundraiser and strategic manager, moving on to work as a facilitator, coach and an advisor to other organisations helping to develop their capacity to support more people.

For five years Danny was Executive Director of Books Beyond Words, a fast growing social enterprise providing resources and training to empower people with learning disabilities. He is Co-founder of Million Minutes, a youth action and advocacy organisation, offering new means to enable young people to transform their world. He is also author of several youth resources. He is passionate about governance and is a former Chair of trustees of the Association of Chairs.

Danny works with many charities in community work, UK poverty, youth social exclusion, faith based work and international development, providing facilitation and drawing on his wide experience to support their strategic and governance needs.



Discover the power of facilitation

External, neutral facilitation is often invaluable at specific points in the life of a project or organisation. It frees up all the key players to be wholly invested in the content, without worrying about method and process. Good facilitation is both an art and a science, and our approach brings both aspects to whatever your organisation or project needs to move forward – removing obstacles and helping to ensure the best possible outcome.

Danny is an experienced facilitator, skillfully working with small and large groups alike. Danny will design, agree and lead the facilitation process, ensuring that the client will always remain confident that their purpose will be achieved. Examples of processes where Danny has acted as facilitator include: the development of charity strategic plans; bringing together hundreds of stakeholders to tackle an issue of social concern; consulting beneficiaries; identifying opportunities for intergenerational action; developing vision, mission and values; youth inclusion; restructuring resources for a major diocesan agency.

Clients include: Trussell Trust, Clinks, Royal Free Charity, CAFOD, Melanoma Focus, SVP, Hubbub, Prison Radio Association, Mill Hill Missionaries General Council, Living Streets, Archdiocese of Westminster, Missio, Jesuits in Britain, Spark Inside, Providence Row Charity.

Coaching for change

Life and Leadership Coaching

As a coach with the experience of a seasoned charity leader and an unwavering commitment to accompany you, Danny creates a space for you to gain clarity and awareness. Over the coaching period this leads to transformational change, enriching your professional and personal world.

Danny uses the Gestalt approach to coaching, attending to the client as a whole with all the different aspects that make up the person. Danny also coaches teams to support teams searching for, or on their way to, a new destination. PDF: Danny's Gestalt Coaching Offer

Coaching areas: Leadership, career coaching, personal development, team coaching, work/life balance, relationships, youth coaching.

Practicalities and Fees

Like many professional coaches Danny offers a free initial consultation, usually by phone or Zoom. He operates to the highest standards of professional ethics, maintaining the ICC code of practice. Fees will depend on whether you are self-funding or being sponsored by a charity.

Clients include:   •Charity CEOs and senior-managers •Charity teams

•Social-entrepreneurs  •Individuals committed to developing their own lives and to impact others.

PDF: Danny's Coaching Offer

Strategy & Governance

Danny is in demand to bring his wide expertise from the charity, not-for-profit and faith sectors to other organisations. Danny works with clients to identify their ambition and to scope out the detail for consultancy work:

Strategic reviews and strategic planning:

Bringing together a wide range of experience and skills in the strategic elements of charity and faith based work, Danny will accompany you in developing your overall strategic direction.

Governance reviews and training of boards of trustees:

Danny is passionate about governance and is a seasoned charity trustee and Chair. Alongside facilitating governance and leadership reviews, Danny offers training to boards and senior executives, using his facilitative style.

Engagement Startegy:

Danny has extensive experience in helping organisation to develop detailed, robust strategies to engage volunteers and participants into the mission and activity of organisations.

Clients include:

Executive Director, Books Beyond Words: Danny led the development of this small social enterprise from no staff and little turnover, to a team of nine employees making a huge social impact. He worked with the Board of Directors and the Chair, Baroness Sheila Hollins, to lead on implementing this strategy as interim Executive Director.

CAFOD and Missio: Supporting the Catholic Church’s two official agencies for overseas mission to examine how to work more closely together.

Other work includes: Providence Row, Association of Independent Museums, Baked Bean Theatre Company, CSAN, Melanoma Focus.


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